The image on the left shows a tomb in what was Carthage. Carthage I hear you ask? Remember that man who crossed the Alps with his Elephants, Hannibal his name was. He nearly defeated the vast Roman Empire in his day, the Punic Wars they were called. Well he was a Cartheginian. Carthage? Modern day Tunis. Yes, Hannibal was Tunisian. How did they almost defeat the Romans? Cartheginian shipbuilders invented the flat pack and mass production ( and you thought it was IKEA). Cartheginian shipwrights designed and made their ships all the same, with each piece numbered for quick assembly. Those of you of a certain age may well remember building Airfix kits (or had a brother or sister who did). These ship kits were very similar. They did what the Allies did on D-Day, they simply out-numbered the opposition. It wasn't until an enterprising Roman soldier captured and dis-assembled one did the Romans manage to turn the tables on the Cartheginian strong hold on the Mediterranean by copying their ship building methods. (Well the scholars amongst us will have to excuse the rather simplistic view of the Punic Wars 1 and 2, yes there were two plus a number of other skirmishes). And people think Tunisia a backward country! The image on the right is a view over old Hammamet. And do you know something else? The ordinary folk are just unbelievable, so friendly, warm and giving. Many times I have been invited into a house to meet with and share food and my favourite sweetened mint tea. Forget the market traders, they are just doing a job, treated with respect they will leave you alone. Final thought, learn their customs, see how they see you.
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