Tunisia, another place you either love or hate. Images of Tunisia seemingly untouched by the upheavals the world has witnessed. There are stark contrasts between the haves and have nots. The average Tunisian is lucky if they've got a job and if they have, they are lucky indeed to earn about £30.00 per month. Compare this with the mausoleum built in Monastair whose costs could have paid for the building of a number of schools and hospitals to help the common Tunisian. My experience of working all over the world tells me its the same old story no matter where you are. Those with it seem to acquire more and more whilst those without it seem to loose more and more. No wonder there is such unrest. I know of those in the UK who are on low wages and find they are worse off if they work overtime or have extra jobs because they loose so much in benefits. A close friend of my daughter whose father has had a pay rise, now finds her parents worse off by £15.00 per week because of it. How can a system in a supposedly modern and progressive country allow this to happen? Hard work should be rewarded, not penalised. Unfortunately, it just shows how out of touch parliament and government in general is with the realities of life for the vast majority of the UKs population. Could rioting happen in the UK? When it happened a month or so ago, the rioters were labelled criminals and the government has been keen to promote the fact that 1 in 10 had a criminal record. What was their crime, stealing food because they couldn't afford it? What about the other 9 who didn't have criminal records, why did they get involved? The fact that we've just had another round of excessive bonus payments to those who have contributed to the world calamity has nothing to do with it I suppose. The British complain and riot? Never, its just not cricket.
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